Tuberous Breasts

Correction of Tuberous Breasts

Tuberous breasts, also known as tubular breasts, constricted breasts, or herniated breasts/areolae, represent a common condition affecting women during the breast development phase. This condition can have significant psychological impacts, causing distress and discomfort.

Fortunately, surgical correction offers a successful solution, although the procedures involved can be intricate and challenging. Tuberous breasts vary in severity, ranging from mild asymmetry to severe underdevelopment with noticeable aesthetic deformities.

Surgical approaches to address tuberous breasts are tailored to the individual’s specific condition. For less severe cases, implant insertion may suffice, while more complex procedures may involve a combination of implant placement, areolar skin excision, and nipple-areolar complex tightening to correct breast herniation.
Dr. Tjasink is available to discuss your unique concerns and develop a personalized treatment plan following a comprehensive examination, including measurements and photographs. The goal is to improve the aesthetic appearance of your breasts, ensuring optimal outcomes.